Sunday, February 22, 2009

Ayo Yayo Cocaine Surplus,

According to the BBC
Its good to know that while the price of rice is going up as well as the cost of living that cocaine prices are dropping leaving you with a little extra cash for you nose candy.
The smugglers are targeting countries with "weak governmental structures that have limited capacity to defend themselves against drug trafficking and its consequences, such as corruption and drug abuse", the INCB warns. "The price of cocaine in Europe is set to fall even further as smugglers use new routes through West Africa and the Balkans", says the UN anti-drugs agency. (BBC). UK officials said last week that the price of cocaine had fallen by half its price in the last 10 years. The INCB's annual report says South America's main producers of cocaine - in Colombia, Peru and Bolivia - were switching their smuggling routes from the Caribbean and the North Atlantic to avoid US and British naval patrols. Stockpiles of cocaine are being built up in West Africa from where it is smuggled into Europe, either directly or via the Balkans, the report says.
Meanwhile in the land of capitalism im sure the price of nose rocks is on a rise during the gangster economic times
full article  BBC

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