Friday, December 05, 2008

This Weeks Retard "Busted"

It doesn't get more ironic than this. Former NBA baller Corie Blount has been arrested for smoking blunts. Allegedly. You would think the 11 year NBA vet could have some one running point carrying his Weed. Blount was charged today with picking up eleven pounds of marijuana in Ohio Thursday. Police say Blount picked up the package from one location, and deputies followed him to his home where they found and confiscated approximately 29 pounds of Marijuana 29,500 in cash and three guns. What the fuck is dude gonna do with that much tree and not holler........ All i wanna know is was is the Chronic or some dirt. PoPo also seized a Mercedes Benz, Cadillac Escalade and Chevrolet Suburban. Blount has been charged with felony drug possession and is free on a $10,900 bond. $10,900 bond!!???!! that's it? that should be chump change for him thats like 2 pounds. Blount was a star at the University of Cincinnati in the early 1990s and was on that 1992 Final Four team. He would go on to play 11 years in the NBA with the Bulls, Lakers, Cavaliers, Suns, Warriors, Sixers and Raptors. He was a teammate of Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, Shaquille O'Neal and Kobe Bryant ... yet didn't play on an NBA Championship team and thats why he has a failed career in selling weed. what an idiot.

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